Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"Patch" ~ A Special Needs GrowlKid from SC

We just want to share this cute pic of a very special GrowlKid. Her name is Patch and she came out of a litter of 8. One of her siblings did not make it but for each one who did we thanked God! See, this litter had bites all over them up by some adult dog. When we pulled them out of the shelter and sent them to a foster home they had cysts and lumps and holes all over them. This foster mom has fostered MANY sick, healthy, tiny, big and anything else you can think of. But with this litter she failed fostering 101 and decided to keep Patch. When Patch went to her new home (to be fostered) at 3-4 weeks old she had a LARGE cyst over her eye which was making her eye swell shut and she had holes on her neck where someone's teeth had gone in. She also had a chronic runny nose which come to find out was because of when she was bit as a pup it had gone into her sinus and she had an infection on the bone. The vet cleared it out and cleaned the infection out of the bone and now 'Princess Patch' is a healthy happy little girl. This was just one of the medical needy puppies this amazing foster has taken care of and nursed to health. We are so happy that Patch, her mom and her fur siblings are all so happy!!!

"Osi" ~ What a Handsome Man!!

Osi is quite the ladies man!!! He was rescued as a lone pup from the Greenville SC kill shelter. He was placed in foster in SC and came north when he was determined to be healthy! His new mommy Theodora sent us this picure of him now at 4 months old! What a big boy he is becoming!!! Also, along side getting Osi a couple of months ago, his mommy got a "surprise" collar the night before with her engagement ring on it!!! We are wondering now if Osi will be the ring bearer :)

~Gunner~ Rules The Asher Household!!

Gunner was rescued from a kill shelter in Ohio last year. He came to NJ with a group of ELEVEN cockers right before Thanksgiving. He had his little issues and was with Dawn for a little while. Gunner found the absolute perfect cocker experienced family to handle him and they weathered the cocker attitude with Gunner as he was just around a year old and needed a bit of reinforcement on his manners. He now lives with Marlene and Stu and his furcat as well!! Here is the most recent picture of Gunner looking handsome as always!!! He's quite the king now!!

~ "Odie" At Home in New York! ~

"Odie" aka completely at home with the Thomas family in New York. He has made himself untouchable!! He completely rules the house as you can see and sleeps with them all in their beds!!!. "Odie" was from a litter of 3 babies pulled from a high kill shelter in South Carolina.

Little Louie Update!!! "aka Mason"

Little Louie was rescued from a SC kill shelter and is now living in NY with the Grahams! He has grown so much we just can't believe it!!! Here are a few pics of Louie right after he came up and was placed with the Grahams and also his Christmas picture and as always in NY, a great snow pic!!

This was Louie aka Mason when he came north!!!